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This style guide intends to provide a guide to improve consistency with our visual and written communications online. This guide applies to:

  • Website

  • Facebook Page

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • YouTube


The fonts used on this website are Lulo Clean, Helvetica Bold and Avenir. Do not use any other fonts on this website.


The site has preset text styles, shown on the right. Please use them to the text consistent throughout.


Lulo Clean 91 pt, All Caps

  • For the Site Banner only.




Helvetica Bold, 64pt, All Caps

  • Primary Headers

  • Key elements



Helvetica Bold, 48 pt, All Caps

  • Subheadings

Heading 4

Helvetica Bold, 36 pt, All Caps or Sentence Case

  • Subheadings


Heading 5

Avenir Light, 24 pt, Sentence Case

  • Subheadings

  • Pull Out Quotes


Heading 6

Avenir, 18 pt, Sentence Case

  • Lowest headings

  • Pull out quotes


Paragraph 1, 2, 3,

Avenir, 16 pt, Sentence Case

  • Body Text

  • ​


Paragraph 1, 2, 3,

Avenir, 12 pt, Sentence Case

  • Footnotes

  • Captions

  • Sources


  • Be sure to proofread your work. Correct any spelling and grammar errors before posting on the website.

  • Use English. If you use another language (I.e. Spanish, Tagalog, Latin) be sure to include an English translation in the text or in parenthesis.

  • Use abbreviations and acronyms sparingly, unless your readership has familiarity with them.

  • Spell out the abbreviation or acronym the first time it appears then put the short form in parenthesis. Afterward, you may use the abbreviation.

Bible Translations
  • Only use USCCB approved translations of the Bible when citing verses on the website.

    • New American Bible Revised Addition (NABRE)

    • Revised Standard Edition – Catholic Edition (RSV-CE)

    • Douay Rhiems (DR)

Church Terminology
  • Always capitalize the word Mass

  • Capitalize pronouns that refer to God

  • Capitalize the names for the seven sacraments.

  • Use lowercase sacraments when used with the name of one sacrament of Confirmation

  • Capitalize Scripture. Do not capitalize

Families in Christ Jesus Community
General Writing Guidelines
  • Be sure to proofread your work. Correct any spelling and grammar errors before posting on the website.

  • Use English. If you use another language (I.e. Spanish, Tagalog, Latin) be sure to include an English translation in the text or in parenthesis.

  • Use abbreviations and acronyms sparingly, unless your readership has familiarity with them.

  • Spell out the abbreviation or acronym the first time it appears then put the short form in parenthesis. Afterward, you may use the abbreviation.

  • ​

Abbreviations (Short-hand forms, Codes)
  • Remember your audience may or may not be familiar with the abbreviated forms so:

    • Always state the long form of a person, place, event, thing, or idea before using abbreviations and include abbreviated form in parenthesis: e.g. We will be having  Life in the Spirit Retreat (LSR) next week.

    • For each subsequent time, you may use the abbreviated form.

    • Never use abbreviations in the titles of pages, blog posts and events. (Event if we commonly refer to those things by the abbrevations in regular speaking)

  • Only exceptions are:

    • Families in Christ Jesus Community (FCJC) since that is stated  on the front page of the website

    • Northern California (NorCal) for the same reason.

    • Commonly used abbreviations for titles of persons, see Titles

    • Other commonly used abbreviations in the English Language such as: i.e. e.g. etc

    • Social Media posts and hashtags that have character limits.


  • Use abbreviations only with numbered addresses

  • Spell out otherwise.

  • Always spell out : Drive, Road, Terrace

  • Use Periods in the abbreviation of P.O.


Date & Time
  • Spell out months of the year. If used part of a date, abbreviate.

  • For Time:

    • Use figures, except for noon and midnight.

    • 7pm

    • 7 to 8pm

    • 7:00pm to 8:00pm

    • Noon to midnight


  • Spell out whole numbers below 10,

  • Use figures for 10 and above


  • Day and date

  • Punctuation should fall inside the closed quote


  • Include one space after a period


  • Capitalize official job and organization titles

  • But not general positions or roles

  • Abbreviate: Brother as Bro. Sister as Sis. Father. As Fr.


Bible Translations

  • Only use  translations of the Bible approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) when citing verses on the website. The three recommended ones are:

  • New American Bible Revised Addition (NABRE) - based on the translation used for Mass in the United States

  • Revised Standard Edition – Catholic Edition (RSV-CE) - commonly use for study and by Catholic apologists

  • Douay Rhiems (DR) - older English translation


Church Terminology

  • Always capitalize the word Mass

  • Capitalize pronouns that refer to God:

  • Capitalize the names for the seven sacraments.

  • Use lowercase sacraments when used with the name of one sacrament of Confirmation

  • Capitalize Scripture. Do not capitalize


Families in Christ Jesus Community
  • Use Families in Christ Jesus Community or FCJC (No periods)

  • Use Families in Christ Jesus Community – Northern California or FCJC NorCal

  • Follow these guidelines for referencing other areas (Southern California or SoCal)


Primary Colors

RGB: 0 / 0 / 0
CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 / 1


RGB: 255 / 255 / 255
CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Dark Blue


RGB: 4 / 81 / 132

CMYK: 97/ 39 / 0 / 48

Light Blue


RGB: 195 / 228 / 245

CMYK: 30 / 20 / 20 / 100


Logo without Wordmark
Logo with Wordmark
Primary Colors

RGB: 5 / 61 / 146
CMYK: 100 / 88 / 11 / 1


RGB: 254 / 0 / 0
CMYK: 0 / 99/ 100 / 0



RGB: 253 / 110 / 8

CMYK: 0 / 70 / 100 / 0



RGB: 36 / 145 / 30

CMYK: 83 / 18 / 100 / 5


RGB: 255 / 255 / 255
CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0


RGB: 30 / 188 / 253
CMYK: 63 / 8 / 0 / 0

Dark Blue


RGB: 4 / 81 / 132

CMYK: 97/ 39 / 0 / 48

Light Blue


RGB: 195 / 228 / 245

CMYK: 30 / 20 / 20 / 100

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