T-Shirt Order Form
Heathered Navy
Deep Royal Blue
Size Small to X-large = $15.00
Size 2XL and 3XL = $18.00
Youth Size = $15.00
Note: Deep Royal Blue is for the service team. You can order the Deep Royal Blue provided you don't wear it on Saturday. Recommendation to order at least one size bigger because of shirnkage.
Information: * All the fields are Required.
Order 1:
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Order 7:
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Order 16:
Order 17:
Order 18:
Order 19:
Click Confirm Order button to confirm your order before clicking SUBMIT
Payment Instructions
To Pay your T-Shirt Order via Zelle:
Zelle Account: jmjgabe7@gmail.com​
Please add "NPG T-Shirt Order and your name" in the comment section.
To Pay your T-Shirt Order by Check:
Make Check Payable to FCJC Central Florida​
Mail Check to: Gail Gamallo (12821 Spurrier Lane, Orlandon FL 32824)
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